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厂家直销 美腿仪瘦腿仪 电动腿部按摩器/瘦腿带/振动护膝盖 包邮

  • 厂家直销 美腿仪瘦腿仪 电动腿部按摩器/瘦腿带/振动护膝盖 包邮
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:251
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:dd958c558bc
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家飞奔的小驴2



养生、保健、长寿已成为当今社会非常重视的问题。医学理论认为:“人老脚先衰,养生先养脚”,人之有脚,犹似树之有根。树枯根先竭,人老脚先衰。人体的几条经络中,足三阳、足三阴6条经脉分布在脚部,踝部以下分布着33个穴位,五脏六腑、四肢百骸在脚部都有对应的反射区,脚与人体健康休戚相关。重视脚部的保健养生,可起到祛病益寿的功效。俗话说:“腿勤人长寿”,“脚健人身壮”,就是这个道理. 暖洋洋按摩靴具有内病外治,上病下治的辅助功效,该产品的按摩及加热能,根据中医经络学和现代全息学及微电子技术的理论,奇思妙想,匠心独运,以现代科技为手段浑然天成,祛病强身于无形之中,是能有病祛病,无病强身的保健休闲产品。







3、有效美腿; 排毒;消除桔皮、不留肥胖纹;按摩消除腿部疲劳。














双电动振动发热长款腿带盒子正面 - 副本

【 principle of products 】

Keeping in good health, health care, long life in today's society has become a very seriously problem. Medicine theory is that: "the person old feet first failure, preserve one's health in a foot", people have feet, like a tree with roots of judah. Withered tree root, and first person old feet first failure. Several of the meridian of the human body, article 6 foot three Yang, foot three Yin meridians in the foot, ankle following with 33 points scattered insides, limb the skeleton has corresponding reflex zones in feet, the foot is so intertwined with human health. Attaches great importance to the foot of the health care keeping in good health, can have the effect of illnesses longer. As the saying goes: "legs frequently longevity," "personal strong foot health", it is for this reason. Warm massage boots with outside disease cure, the illness under the governance of auxiliary function, this product can massage and heating, according to the meridian of traditional Chinese medicine and modern holography theory and microelectronics technology, ideas, quality, by means of modern science and technology like nature itself, the physical illnesses in aeriform in, be sick illnesses, disease-free and physical health and leisure products.




"Four big effect"


1, the biological effect of infrared heating: massage boots can distribute 8-12 micron far infrared energy, the far infrared radiation, seepage function, can permeate into subcutaneous tissue 3-5 cm, speed up the movement of the fat and burn.


2, the main and collateral channels of traditional Chinese medicine efficacy: massage massage boots and explored effect, promote the feet and systemic blood circulation and smooth, the body meridian clear, and natural alleviate physical fatigue and pressure, effectively regulating the endocrine system, nerve endings, and balance the autonomic nervous system, activated and improve blood circulation.


3, effective legs; Detoxification. Eliminate the orange peel, leaving no fat grain; Massage to eliminate the leg fatigue.


4, leg ministry reflex zones corresponding 33 points, the foot is so intertwined with human health, far infrared radiation and penetrating functional activation of the human body acupuncture point, strengthen physical health.


【 use notice 】


1. Use advice for 50 minutes every time;


2. In the natural use at room temperature, do not use in air conditioning environment, so as to avoid temperature bring discomfort to the body;


3. After use, please pull out transformer from the socket, please do not pull out the plug with wet hand, be careful to get an electric shock;


4. Please do not do STH without authorization repair, renovation products;


5. Please do not lay, trample products, please do not use under the collapsed state.
